"Enough white lies add up to manipulation."
This section offers the most advanced techniques for getting
at the truth. Using a blend of hypnosis and a system I
developed called Trance-Scripts, you'll be able to give
commands directly to a person's unconscious mind—in
conversation and without their awareness. Through this
process you will be able to persuade others to tell the truth
with maximum effectiveness. These techniques are extraordinary, so use them with judgment and caution!
This technique is used to implant suggestions directly into
the unconscious. Embedded commands are just that—commands embedded in a sentence.
These can be used in conjunction with both the attack
sequences and the silver bullets. To illustrate, the embedded
commands are italicized in the sentence below.
If you want to tell the truth or not tell the truth, that's
entirely up to you.
This sentence is received by the conscious mind in its
entirety. The command—-tell the truth—goes directly to
the unconscious. This techniqueis very simple and has
only two criteria. First, for maximum effectiveness the command should start with an action verb, because you're telling the mind to do something.Second, the entire command
should be separated from the rest of the sentence using what
is called an analogue marker. You set the command
portion off by one of the following: (1) Lower or raise the
volume of your voice slightly while speaking the command.
(2) Insert a short pause right before and then right after
the command. For instance, "Sometimes we just . . .
become fascinated . . . withwhat we're reading." (3)
Gesturing with your hand while you are giving the
command momentarily distracts the conscious mind, and
the embedded statement is received by the unconscious
mind as a command. You don't want a flagrant gesture or
too long a pause. This will only confuse the person and
make him question what you're doing. The objective is to
be casual and relaxed.
The following is a generic example of how these would
be used. The embedded commands are in italics.
I don't want you to tell me unless you want to. Now if you
think to yourself on the inside / want to tell you., then just say
it. When you realize this is the right decision you'll tell me
the truth anyway. So we might as well clear the air now.
This technique is phenomenal. It works because when the
brain receives several messages that it registers as truthful,
then it expects what follows—the suggestion—to be truthful. As long as the suggestion isnot blatantly false, the brain
will accept it as true.
The process is simple. You make four truthful statements
followed by one suggestion, then three truthful statements
followed by two suggestions, then two truthful statement
followed by three suggestions, and finally, one truthful
statement followed by four suggestions. The truthful
statements can be about anything—the room you're in,
the weather, anything that the brain can't argue with. The
suggestions should be about what you want him or her to do.
By integrating externally verifiable statements with a
specific suggestion, you're leading your subject to accept
your suggestion.
A police detective is seeking a confession from a suspect.
The underscored phrases are the truthful statements and the
italicized words are the suggestions. You can also combine
this technique with embedded commands, which are set off
in parentheses.
As you're sitting in the chair, wondering what you should
do, you're probably weighing your options. You want to do
what's best for youand that would be to {tell me what happened).
We know about your past arrest for robbery. And that
you got off with probation. I know that you're probably
scaredand / want you to (know I'm on your side) and I
want you to (see the benefits of telling the truth).
Look, you want to get out of here. And you know that I
don't have the time to sit with you all day. Getting this off
your chest may make you feel better. You 'II be saving yourself a lot of heartache and you 'II be able to (get on with your
life when this thing is over).
I know you've been around the street most of your life.
This is your chance for afresh start. (Think about the possibilities) for yourself if you were to (go straight). You'll be
able to (get a respectable job) and (take better care of your
This technique uses embedded commands in an entirely
new way. You will be able to give a suggestion that
creates a perceivable action so you can observe the signs of
deceit without continuing to question him. Watch for the
behaviours that you embed in the sentences. They will
usually occur at some point during your conversation.
"I'm not saying that you should stiffen up your body if
you're lying."
"I don't know if you're lying. Unless you feel like blinking
your eyes fast if you are.'"
"If you . . . like what you're reading . . . you may . .
. smile . . . now.
With this technique, you're embedding a command that
you can readily observe. Offer as many as you want. Just
be sure to follow the same procedure as with the
embedded commands.
This process helps the person become more comfortable
with telling the truth. It works by dividing him into two
separate people. No, not with a chain saw! You're actually
dividing the psyche—setting two parts of the person against
each other.
It's the old person who would lie versus the new person
who would never hurt you. This process greatly alleviates
the person's guilt because he no longer feels obligated to
justify the actions that his "old self" was responsible for.
The process of disassociation is used with great success to
treat phobias.
In your conversation, continue to repeat phrases like the
ones below. Make sure that they contrast the old him and
the new him.
"Perhaps the old you was capable of this. But I know you
would never do that now. "
"You're a different person than you used to be. I'm sure
that you 're even more upset with the old you than I
am. But you're not that person anymore."
"You're only responsible for who you are today. You are
someone who is honest and trustworthy. "
These simple phrases begin to wear down his defences.
Sometimes they will work right away; other times it may
take a little while. But if he keeps hearing such phrases over
and over again he will break,and you will get the truth.
This technique works on the following principle. When
a person thinks, he accesses different parts of his brain
depending upon the information that is being accessed. This
process can be observed by watching his eyes.
For right-handed people visual memories are accessed by
the eyes going up and to the left. For a left-handed person,
it's the reverse: the eyes go up and to the right. When a
right-handed person seeks to create an image or fact, his
eyes go up and to the right. And the reverse is true for the
left-handed person.
Why don't you try this? Do you recall what colour your
first car was? If you had to think about it, there's a good
chance that if you're right-handed, your eyes went up and
to the left. Your eyes went up and to the right if you're lefthanded.
When a certain government official testified before Congress, his eyes went up and to the left each and every time
he was recalling information—clearly a sign that he was
relaying the facts as he remembered them, not fabricating
any stories. I thought this until I happened to see a picture
of him in Time magazine, holding a pen in his left hand.
You can use this technique inany conversation to determine if the person is creating or recalling information. Simply watch his eyes and you'll know whether he's recalling
an event that's already occurred or making up a story about
something that has never happened.
Do you recall Pavlov's famous dogs? During
his experiments, he would put food powder
in a dog's mouth and measure the drops of
saliva produced as a result by way of a tube
surgically inserted into the dog's mouth. But
during the course of his work, Pavlov noticed
that the dogs began to salivate when he
merely walked into the room. This salivation
could not be a reflex since it did not occur the
first few times Pavlov walked in; it occurred
only when the dog had learned that Pavlov's
appearance signalled food. That is, Pavlov's
appearance become associated with a future
event: food. He called this a psychic reflex or a
conditioned reflex. It has come to be called,
through mistranslation, a conditioned
We can see examples of conditioned
reflexes in our own lives. Perhaps the smell of
vodka makes you sick because you had a bad
experience with it several years ago. Or a
certain song comes on the radio and you recall
a friend you haven't thought about in years.
These are all anchors. An anchor is an
association between a specific set of feelings
or an emotional state and some unique
stimulus—an image, sound, name, taste.
We're going to use the same principle but
employ it in an entirely new way. In poker
there's something called a tell. That's when
another player makes an unconscious gesture
during a specific situation. Whenever he's
nervous, for example, he may blink, look
down, or move in a certain way.
Professional card players learn to pick up on
these tells, providing them with an insight
into the person's hand.
What you're going to do is to install a truth
tell in others so you'll know when they're
lying in any instance—now or in the future.
Here's how it's done. Ask a series of
questions that the person can answer
truthfully and easily. When he answers,
anchor it with a specific movement. Then
when you ask a question you don't know the
answer to, fire off your truth anchor as you
ask the question. He'll unconsciously feel
compelled to be truthful just as Pavlov's dogs
knew it was time to eat when Pavlov entered
the room.
You don't want to be obvious in your
choice of anchors or in your choice of
questions. Make sure the questions you ask
will be answered truthfully. And the anchor
should not be so common that it will become
diluted by inadvertent use. The questions
don't have to be asked all at Once, and there
is no set number of questions you need to
For example, while your husband is eating
his favourite food, you might ask, "Are you
enjoying your dinner?" Fire off the anchor as
you ask the question; you might tilt your head
slightly to one side or touch your hand to
your nose. Then ask a series of questions—
maybe four or five—while continuing to fire
off the same anchor every time you ask your
question. Every so often reinforce the anchor
by doing this process—a question/anchor
sequence. The learned response will soon be
so ingrained that any time you want the truth
in response to a question, just ask your
question and fire the anchor.
This technique should be used as a last resort.
It is with high hope and expectation that this
and all of the other processes be practiced
with judgment, common sense, and decency.
Hypnosis can be used to treat phobias,
anxiety disorders, and panic attacks. This
technique reverses the process to instil a
phobia in which dishonesty creates
overwhelming anxiety. If pain is linked to
deceit and pleasure to the truth, confessing
becomes the only way to reduce the pain.
We use a process similar to anchoring the
truth, except whenever something painful or
negative happens to this person—he bangs
his foot, he gets into argument with a
neighbour—you anchor it. Whenever he feels
disappointed or becomes upset, anchor it.
Then ask your question and if it's not the
response you want—if you feel he's lying—
fire off the pain anchor. He'll quickly associate
lying to you with pain. The only way to
alleviate this pain will be to tell the truth. To
further increase the association, contrast it by
using a different anchor linked to pleasant
experiences—sexual arousal, eating, relaxing,
In part 2 we touched briefly on the
importance of rapport. When we are in
synch with another person our communi-
cation flows effortlessly. When we consciously
seek to get in rapport with someone—to align
ourselves psychologically— we align
ourselves physically. Examples of this are
matching a person's gestures, posture, or rate
of speech. This is called pacing. Once you've
done this, you switch to what's called leading.
This can be extremely effective when done in
the following way:
After establishing rapport with the other
person, you feed him everything that he may
be thinking about the conversation. These
statements accurately reflect his thinking.
This aligns you psychologically. Then you
lead his thinking by explaining why the truth
is the best route for him to take. And if this
process is done right, he will follow.
"I know that you think you're not ready to tell
me the truth. I'm sure that you wish this entire
conversation wasn't taking place right now,
and that it could just be over with. I'm sure
that you think I'm going to be upset with you
and that we're going to get into a fight over it.
You may be thinking that there's no reason to
tell me. Maybe I'm making a bigger deal out
of it than it really warrants. I understand. We
all make mistakes, and this is one that you
wish would just go away. I'm sure I would
feel exactly as you do if I were in your
position. But since I'm not, / can only tell you
what it feels like to be in mine. [This phrase
begins the lead.]
"It's all okay. It really is. Let's have an
honest discussion. You tell me exactly what
happened and you'll know that it's the right
thing to do. I'd be happy, and I know you
too, to be able to put this behind us. That we
can move on. Let's do that because it makes
sense for both of us."
These conversation stoppers use phrases
that are mild trance inducers. In other words,
they cause the listener to zone out
temporarily while his brain tries to process the
information. Use them when you need to gain
control of the conversation or to regroup.
They give you some time to collect your
thoughts while others lose their train of
thought. You may have to read them several
times yourself because of the "huh" effect.
1. "Why are you asking me what you
don't know for
2. "Do you really believe what you thought
you knew?"
3. "Could you give me ... an example . . .
would be helpful."
4. "You can pretend anything and master
5. "I understand what you're . . . saying
... it doesn't
make it true."
6. "If you expected me to believe that, you
wouldn't have
said it."
7. "Your question is what you knew it
would be, isn't it?"
8. "Your response says what you're
unaware of."
9. "Do you believe that you knew what you
10. "How do you stop a thought once you
get it?"
11. "Why would you believe something
that's not true?"
12. "Why axe you agreeing with what you
already know?"
13. "What happens when you get a
14. "The less you try the more you'll agree
15. "Are you unaware of what you forgot?"
The power of expectation and suggestion can
be used with tremendous results. While you
could be relentless in your pursuit to get the
truth from someone, his mind may be ready
to defend the assault. But when his own mind
turns against itself, he will do the work for
Have you ever noticed what happens when
you buy a new car? Suddenly it seems like
everyone on the road is driving that same car.
Or if you're on a diet, everywhere you turn
is a bakery or ice-cream store. Reality has not
changed, only your perception of it has. When
you can't change someone's reality to get to
the truth, alter how he sees it instead. This
can be just as effective.
If you were to tell a neighbour that there
has been a rash of break-ins in the
neighbourhood, over the next few days she'll
notice the garbage cans seem out of order; the
mailbox looks "funny"; the car across the
street looks suspicious. At night, she'll hear
every creek and noise in the house. Maybe
she's heard them a thousand times before,
but now she's listening to them. Now they
may mean something.
The key to using this technique is to
implant an artificial
suggestion and let it manifest inside the
person's mind. This technique gets the person
to rethink her behaviour with or without your
confronting her directly. Please note that this
technique may induce a temporary state of
mild paranoia, especially if two or more
people make the same suggestion.
You think that a co-worker has been stealing
office supplies.
Sample question formation I: "Samantha,
have you noticed that people seem to be
looking at you a little funny?" You can be
sure Samantha will "see" everyone looking at
her, and it will consume her attention until
she stops.
Sample question formation II:
"Samantha, I think the whole office knows
about the office supplies—have you ever
noticed how they stare at you sometimes?"
This formation is more direct and
You'll notice that if Samantha is in fact
stealing office supplies,she will soon believe
that everyone is "on to her" because she will
see everyone staring at her.
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